Today’s post is a continuation of my last post. If you missed it click HERE
Off to the ER, not the typical destination for a woman who just found out she’s pregnant. But this was no typical pregnancy. You see, after the birth of our now three year old, Mr. Curiosity, I opted to use an IUD.
An IUD that boasted 99.9% effectiveness. Yet as I lay in the ER exam room, the sonogram confirmed that there was indeed a little life forming in my womb. Although I was told that there was a possibility the pregnancy was not viable because a visible heartbeat was not detected. Furthermore, the IUD is actually suppose to make it impossible for conception to progress even if the egg is fertilized. I was advised to set up my first pre-natal visit and get the IUD removed ASAP.
I went out to my vehicle and made several emotional calls trying to get a next day appointment. That was not possible, and it would be two long days before my appointment.
The calls were emotional because for at least a year I had been talking to my husband and praying that he would be open to us having another baby. Although he “knew better than to say no, he wasn’t ready to say yes either.”
Then it happened, my husband asked me to make an appointment to have the IUD removed! His request came one month before the positive pregnancy test at urgent care. But I dragged my feet and never made the appointment. Some of my thoughts were: doesn’t he know that I’m “Furtile Myrtle”?? If we say goodbye IUD we will most assuredly (and quickly I might add) be saying hello baby!
As I sat in the van I kept thinking about the aguish I would feel if indeed this baby did not live because of my negligence.
We shared the news with our older children only that day, and they were delighted! We explained to them the complications because we had, as my husband put it, “taken measures to prevent us from having more children.” My oldest daughter was so appalled that she came to me later that night and the conversation went like this:
Princess: I just can’t believe my parents would take measures to keep them from having more children.
Me: Why is that?
Princess: Well because you have always said that children are a blessing.
Me: And I still believe that to be true. After all you do have six siblings. But I tell you what, we can have this conversation again when you are married and the mother of seven children. It will be interesting to see if you still feel the same way.
We then observed a necessary moment of silence before she changed the subject
The day of my appointment, was a day of relief and thanksgiving. We saw a heartbeat! Praise God!
The next two months I experienced 24 hour morning sickness. It was like nothing I have ever experienced in my pregnancies. I was bed ridden, struggling to keep food and liquids down; it was progress if I managed to brush my teeth or shower every other day.
My regular activities came to a screeching halt.
Thankfully, my older children (one of them being a senior in high school) were able to continue doing their schoolwork and they did a tremendous job of taking care of their younger siblings, household management (to include cleaning and grocery shopping) and me. Made me so appreciative of the chore system we have in place!
If you did the math, then you probably calculated that the baby has been born. Right you are, and I’ll save all those details for another post!
Now it’s your turn. Tell me about a time past or present when you took an unplanned hiatus?
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