Motivation Monday: See the Beauty



“We’re going to see the beauty,” my then six year old daughter stated before our family headed out to do some sight seeing.  Not exactly a statement I would associate with sight seeing, especially from a six year old!

Yet, our lives are like this.  We have an opportunity to see the beauty as we start another week.  Yes, another week of to-do lists, carpools, lesson plans, cooking and piles of laundry (folded and otherwise).

It’s so easy to see the beauty when things appear beautiful.  When plans are flawlessly executed, when a reading lesson doesn’t include a meltdown and the baby sleeps through the night.


However, is the beauty as visible in the imperfections? In potty training, stacks of ungraded papers and teen age emotions?

This week whatever situations await us, may we enter into each day ready to see the beauty.

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